Bat Acoustic Monitoring
Visualization Tool
(a companion to BatAMP)

Photo: Fringed Myotis (Myotis thysanodes) by José G. Martínez-Fonseca

Explore Data for North American Bat Species

42 species currently visible
sort:namescientific namedetectionsnights detecteddetectorscontributors
species photo for Allen's Big-eared Bat (Idionycteris phyllotis)
  • 68 detections
  • on 68 of 4,463 nights monitored
  • 239 detectors monitored by 28 contributors
  • Note: 64 detections on the 996 nights monitored at 203 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Allen's Big-eared Bat (Idionycteris phyllotis)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus)
  • 1,362,599 detections
  • on 42,973 of 186,534 nights monitored
  • 6,470 detectors monitored by 359 contributors
  • Note: 10,721 detections on the 19,628 nights monitored at 4,643 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Big Free-tailed Bat (Nyctinomops macrotis)
  • 349 detections
  • on 187 of 35,244 nights monitored
  • 1,126 detectors monitored by 73 contributors
  • Note: 146 detections on the 3,185 nights monitored at 990 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Big Free-tailed Bat (Nyctinomops macrotis)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for California Leaf-nosed Bat (Macrotus californicus)
  • not detected on any of 108 nights monitored
  • 18 detectors monitored by 3 contributors
  • Note: 0 detections on the 63 nights monitored at 17 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for California Leaf-nosed Bat (Macrotus californicus)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for California Myotis (Myotis californicus)
  • 117,660 detections
  • on 10,713 of 44,770 nights monitored
  • 4,595 detectors monitored by 202 contributors
  • Note: 5,136 detections on the 13,676 nights monitored at 3,784 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for California Myotis (Myotis californicus)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Canyon Bat (Parastrellus hesperus)
  • 36,267 detections
  • on 4,529 of 55,178 nights monitored
  • 4,202 detectors monitored by 170 contributors
  • Note: 1,905 detections on the 10,122 nights monitored at 3,610 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Canyon Bat (Parastrellus hesperus)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Cave Myotis (Myotis velifer)
  • 350 detections
  • on 295 of 5,521 nights monitored
  • 333 detectors monitored by 33 contributors
  • Note: 258 detections on the 1,631 nights monitored at 315 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Cave Myotis (Myotis velifer)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Eastern Red Bat (Lasiurus borealis)
  • 431,909 detections
  • on 24,748 of 62,595 nights monitored
  • 1,820 detectors monitored by 176 contributors
  • Note: 2,955 detections on the 6,048 nights monitored at 904 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Eastern Red Bat (Lasiurus borealis)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Eastern Small-footed Myotis (Myotis leibii)
  • 447 detections
  • on 345 of 6,788 nights monitored
  • 580 detectors monitored by 60 contributors
  • Note: 64 detections on the 2,743 nights monitored at 372 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Eastern Small-footed Myotis (Myotis leibii)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Evening Bat (Nycticeius humeralis)
  • 49,201 detections
  • on 4,348 of 9,617 nights monitored
  • 943 detectors monitored by 109 contributors
  • Note: 1,122 detections on the 3,237 nights monitored at 492 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Evening Bat (Nycticeius humeralis)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Florida Bonneted Bat (Eumops floridanus)
  • 3 detections
  • on 3 of 23 nights monitored
  • 8 detectors monitored by 3 contributors
  • Note: 3 detections on the 23 nights monitored at 8 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Florida Bonneted Bat (Eumops floridanus)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Fringed Bat (Myotis thysanodes)
  • 20,763 detections
  • on 5,984 of 78,270 nights monitored
  • 4,522 detectors monitored by 186 contributors
  • Note: 1,642 detections on the 12,713 nights monitored at 3,625 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Fringed Bat (Myotis thysanodes)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Ghost-faced Bat (Mormoops megalophylla)
  • 6 detections
  • on 6 of 16 nights monitored
  • 4 detectors monitored by 1 contributor
  • Note: 6 detections on the 16 nights monitored at 4 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Ghost-faced Bat (Mormoops megalophylla)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Gray Bat (Myotis grisescens)
  • 567 detections
  • on 207 of 1,099 nights monitored
  • 223 detectors monitored by 54 contributors
  • Note: 127 detections on the 876 nights monitored at 166 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Gray Bat (Myotis grisescens)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
no photo available
  • not detected on any of 48 nights monitored
  • 12 detectors monitored by 1 contributor
  • Note: 0 detections on the 48 nights monitored at 12 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Greater Long-nosed Bat (Leptonycteris nivalis)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Hawaiian Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus)
credit: Jack Jeffery
  • 239,861 detections
  • on 5,386 of 13,579 nights monitored
  • 32 detectors monitored by 1 contributor
distribution map thumnbnail for Hawaiian Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus)
  • 684,119 detections
  • on 44,030 of 193,665 nights monitored
  • 6,851 detectors monitored by 364 contributors
  • Note: 6,616 detections on the 19,821 nights monitored at 4,672 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis)
  • 196 detections
  • on 122 of 5,628 nights monitored
  • 596 detectors monitored by 73 contributors
  • Note: 21 detections on the 2,589 nights monitored at 425 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Lesser Long-nosed Bat (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae)
credit: J. Scott Altenbach (BCI)
  • 17 detections
  • on 17 of 116 nights monitored
  • 22 detectors monitored by 6 contributors
  • Note: 17 detections on the 116 nights monitored at 22 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Lesser Long-nosed Bat (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus)
  • 1,530,381 detections
  • on 48,613 of 137,635 nights monitored
  • 6,124 detectors monitored by 318 contributors
  • Note: 5,604 detections on the 17,900 nights monitored at 4,378 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Long-Eared Myotis (Myotis evotis)
  • 83,563 detections
  • on 14,718 of 113,175 nights monitored
  • 4,685 detectors monitored by 205 contributors
  • Note: 4,267 detections on the 13,478 nights monitored at 3,694 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Long-Eared Myotis (Myotis evotis)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Long-legged Myotis (Myotis volans)
  • 17,181 detections
  • on 3,352 of 31,144 nights monitored
  • 4,562 detectors monitored by 202 contributors
  • Note: 1,531 detections on the 13,807 nights monitored at 3,807 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Long-legged Myotis (Myotis volans)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Mexican Free-tailed Bat (Tadarida brasiliensis)
  • 221,085 detections
  • on 16,409 of 64,963 nights monitored
  • 4,789 detectors monitored by 218 contributors
  • Note: 4,282 detections on the 11,207 nights monitored at 3,797 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Mexican Free-tailed Bat (Tadarida brasiliensis)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Mexican Long-tongued Bat (Choeronycteris mexicana)
  • not detected on any of 203 nights monitored
  • 41 detectors monitored by 4 contributors
  • Note: 0 detections on the 158 nights monitored at 40 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Mexican Long-tongued Bat (Choeronycteris mexicana)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Northern Long-eared Myotis (Myotis septentrionalis)
  • 16,817 detections
  • on 3,604 of 40,478 nights monitored
  • 1,398 detectors monitored by 107 contributors
  • Note: 280 detections on the 5,165 nights monitored at 720 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Northern Long-eared Myotis (Myotis septentrionalis)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Northern Yellow Bat (Lasiurus intermedius)
  • 2,918 detections
  • on 644 of 2,451 nights monitored
  • 374 detectors monitored by 26 contributors
  • Note: 159 detections on the 1,086 nights monitored at 177 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Northern Yellow Bat (Lasiurus intermedius)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus)
  • 3,618 detections
  • on 1,647 of 47,945 nights monitored
  • 4,314 detectors monitored by 183 contributors
  • Note: 948 detections on the 11,102 nights monitored at 3,692 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Pocketed Free-tailed Bat (Nyctinomops femorosaccus)
  • 836 detections
  • on 362 of 16,483 nights monitored
  • 341 detectors monitored by 45 contributors
  • Note: 156 detections on the 1,173 nights monitored at 249 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Pocketed Free-tailed Bat (Nyctinomops femorosaccus)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Rafinesque's Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii)
  • 94 detections
  • on 38 of 2,670 nights monitored
  • 346 detectors monitored by 50 contributors
  • Note: 30 detections on the 1,783 nights monitored at 325 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Rafinesque's Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Seminole Bat (Lasiurus seminolus)
  • 4 detections
  • on 4 of 595 nights monitored
  • 121 detectors monitored by 18 contributors
  • Note: 4 detections on the 595 nights monitored at 121 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Seminole Bat (Lasiurus seminolus)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Silver-haired Bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans)
  • 1,336,062 detections
  • on 61,887 of 207,549 nights monitored
  • 6,637 detectors monitored by 356 contributors
  • Note: 8,310 detections on the 19,623 nights monitored at 4,635 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Silver-haired Bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Southeastern Myotis (Myotis austroriparius)
  • 543 detections
  • on 257 of 2,171 nights monitored
  • 497 detectors monitored by 51 contributors
  • Note: 162 detections on the 1,434 nights monitored at 270 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Southeastern Myotis (Myotis austroriparius)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Southern Yellow Bat (Lasiurus ega)
  • 2 detections
  • on 2 of 444 nights monitored
  • 4 detectors monitored by 1 contributor
distribution map thumnbnail for Southern Yellow Bat (Lasiurus ega)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Southwestern Myotis (Myotis auriculus)
  • not detected on any of 270 nights monitored
  • 54 detectors monitored by 9 contributors
  • Note: 0 detections on the 222 nights monitored at 52 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Southwestern Myotis (Myotis auriculus)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum)
  • 3,686 detections
  • on 1,098 of 45,116 nights monitored
  • 3,969 detectors monitored by 135 contributors
  • Note: 464 detections on the 9,367 nights monitored at 3,391 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Townsend's Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii)
  • 1,844 detections
  • on 1,339 of 31,345 nights monitored
  • 4,510 detectors monitored by 224 contributors
  • Note: 751 detections on the 13,584 nights monitored at 3,823 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Townsend's Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Tricolored Bat (Perimyotis subflavus)
  • 85,096 detections
  • on 13,269 of 55,865 nights monitored
  • 1,723 detectors monitored by 161 contributors
  • Note: 1,102 detections on the 5,477 nights monitored at 874 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Tricolored Bat (Perimyotis subflavus)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Western Mastiff Bat (Eumops perotis)
  • 1,165 detections
  • on 440 of 44,754 nights monitored
  • 1,335 detectors monitored by 111 contributors
  • Note: 234 detections on the 4,153 nights monitored at 1,003 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Western Mastiff Bat (Eumops perotis)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Western Red Bat (Lasiurus blossevillii)
  • 5,651 detections
  • on 2,153 of 53,142 nights monitored
  • 2,726 detectors monitored by 170 contributors
  • Note: 572 detections on the 7,556 nights monitored at 2,034 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Western Red Bat (Lasiurus blossevillii)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Western Small-footed Bat (Myotis ciliolabrum)
  • 400,216 detections
  • on 21,535 of 87,659 nights monitored
  • 4,451 detectors monitored by 187 contributors
  • Note: 2,623 detections on the 11,158 nights monitored at 3,703 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Western Small-footed Bat (Myotis ciliolabrum)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Western Yellow Bat (Lasiurus xanthinus)
  • 262 detections
  • on 188 of 12,887 nights monitored
  • 315 detectors monitored by 48 contributors
  • Note: 128 detections on the 1,178 nights monitored at 221 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Western Yellow Bat (Lasiurus xanthinus)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
species photo for Yuma Myotis (Myotis yumanensis)
  • 102,735 detections
  • on 7,467 of 46,410 nights monitored
  • 4,566 detectors monitored by 201 contributors
  • Note: 3,552 detections on the 13,560 nights monitored at 3,751 detectors only recorded species presence, not activity.
distribution map thumnbnail for Yuma Myotis (Myotis yumanensis)
range: | IUCN
basemap: © Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap